
Matko Trebotić
rođen je u Milni na Braču. Završio je splitsku Klasičnu gimnaziju, a 1961. diplomirao na beogradskom arhitektonskom fakultetu. Tjekom 1971. i 1972. pohađa poznatu Folkwangschule u Essenu, kao “meisterschüler”, kod profesora Hermana Schardta. Od 1970. počinje intenzivno izlagati diljem Europe i svijeta, gdje ostvaruje više od stotinu samostalnih i više od tri stotine skupnih izložaba.
Kao slikar, Trebotić je pronašao slikovnu formulu kojom je, na kreativan i slikarski vrstan način, uspio povezati lokalno i globalno, izraz baštine prevesti na univerzalni jezik, a domaću pasatističku viziju osuvremeniti.
Njegov opus posjeduje stilsku, ikonografsku te izražajnu zaokruženost i prepoznatljivost. O njegovom je djelu tiskano pet monografija, a djela mu se nalaze u mnogim domaćim i stranim zbirkama i muzejima.
Izradio je veličanstveno djelo “Jadranski triptih”- svečane zastore za kazališta u Splitu, Dubrovniku i Rijeci.
O Trebotićevom radu snimljeno je više TV filmova.
S istaknutim hrvatskim i inozemnim pjesnicima, tiskao je dvadesetak pjesničko grafičkih mapa.

S vremena na vrijeme bavi se prostornim instalacijama, kao i kazališnim i televizijskim scenografijama scenografijama. Za svoj umjetnički rad dobio je dvadesetak nagrada, od kojih treba istaknuti godišnju nagradu “Vladimir Nazor” 1990., Nagradu Grada Splita 1991., odličje Reda Danice hrvatske s likom Marka Marulića 1996., nagradu bijenala u Seoulu 2000., nagradu “Jure Kaštelan” 2004., nagradu “Rudolf Bunck” Hrvatskog narodnog kazališta u Splitu za najbolji likovni rad u kazalištu 2006., nagradu Splitsko- dalmatinske županije za sveukupni umjetnički rad 2006., Nagradu Rotary international-a “Paul-Harrisa-fellow” te nagradu Grada Splita za životno djelo 2009. godine.


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Marko Trebotić was born in Milna, Brač. He finished Classical Gymnasium in Split and he graduated from Belgrade College of Architecture in 1961. During the year 1971. and 1972. he attended the famous Folkwangschule, in Essen, as a “meisterschüler”, in professor Herman Schardt’s class. From 1970., he started to exhibit intensively worldwide, where he completed over a hundred independent and more than a three hundred group exhibitions..
As a painter, Trebotić found a pictorial formula, which has, in a creative and painterly exquisite way, managed to connect the local with the global, to express the heritability with the universal language, and to bring the local passéic vision to contemporaneity.
His syllabus possesses stylistic, iconographical and expressional completeness and recognizability. Five monographs about his work had been published, and his work can be found in many Croatian and foreign collections and museums.
He made a glorious piece “Adriatic Triptych” – formal curtains for the national theaters in Split, Rijeka and Dubrovnik.
Several television films are made about his work.
He published around twenty graphic-poetical maps together with prominent Croatian and foreign poets.

From time to time he makes spatial installations, as well as the theater and television scenographies. For his artistic achievements he received around twenty rewards, of which we will single out the “Vladimir Nazor” award in 1990., the Split City Award in 1991., the decoration of the Order of Danica hrvatska with the image of Marko Marulić in 1996., the award of the biennale in Seoul in 2000., and the award “Jure Kaštelan” in 2004. He also received the “Rudolf Bunck” – an award of the Croatian National Theater for the best visual arts work in the theater in 2006., an award of Split-Dalmatian county for an overall artistic work, the Rotary International’s award “Paul-Harrisa-fellow”, and the Split City Award for a lifetime achievement in 2009.